Virtual Mode

Enhance Your Interactive Virtual Events with Slidone!

Interactive Virtual Events

Engaging over 25,000 businesses globally

Make everyone part of your Q&A

Crowdsource and prioritize questions from your audience with our online networking events. Create an interactive Q&A experience, addressing popular queries, and making every participant an integral part of your virtual event.

Interactive Virtual Events
Interactive Virtual Events

Encourage viewer-driven interaction

Elevate your virtual events with live polls. Capture instant feedback from online viewers, keeping them engaged and involved in your live-streamed presentation, enhancing audience interaction for a memorable experience.

Experience seamless virtual events

Elevate your virtual event’s impact by running everything from one place. Integrate Slidone effortlessly with popular live-streaming platforms like YouTube or embed it on your event page, ensuring a cohesive, user-friendly experience.

Interactive Virtual Events

It’s time to engage your audience, online!

Begin for free or access premium features today. Contact us and gain valuable insights with our affordable premium options.

Feature You can Enjoy with Our Premium Plans

Interactive Virtual Events

Customize Your Look

Tailor Slidone to your event theme with your custom colors and logos.

Interactive Virtual Events

Collaborative Control

You can grant admin access to your assistants for seamless Q&A moderation and poll management.

Interactive Virtual Events

Enhanced Moderation

Review all the questions before display for a polished interaction experience.

Interactive Virtual Events

Seamless Integrations

Integrate Slidone easily with your preferred live streaming and presentation platforms.

Interactive Virtual Events

Dedicated Support

Our expert team assists 24/7 via live chat and email.

Interactive Virtual Events

Scalable with Slidone

Ready to support events with thousands of online participants for a smooth and impactful experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I customize the appearance of Slidone for my event?

Easily customize Slidone by choosing your event's colors and adding your logo to match your theme perfectly.

Is there a moderation feature for questions?

Yes, Slidone offers enhanced moderation, allowing you to review all incoming questions before they are visible to the audience.

What support options are available?

Our dedicated support team is ready 24/7 via live chat and email to assist you before and during your event.

Related Solutions

Start free, customize, and engage your audience
with Slidone today!